The Wise Woman Part 1

The Wise Woman is You.
The Wise Woman is anything and everything you want her to be.
There is so much to say about the WISE WOMAN (this is an invitation and beginning, a sweeping overview of some aspects to consider in being a wise woman).
There is the wisdom that grows out of extensive knowledge and experiences.
There is the wisdom that is innate. A natural wisdom that lives through you: physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. A natural wisdom that moves through all women that is different to the wisdom of a man. Not better, just different. This is not about defining ourselves against men.
While the first wisdom is, wonderful and is a life’s journey. It is vital to get the 2nd reference to wisdom switched on and the volume turned up. Otherwise one can be susceptible to never feeling quite themselves or enough. A WISE WOMAN knows there is no competition, and as a result attracts all manner of positive possibilities.
The WISE WOMAN knows that everything is process. It is this process that is a source of healing, inspiration and happiness, not the end result.
The WISE WOMAN is learning to know, accept and love every aspect of herself. The WISE WOMAN listens to her soul, being touched by life and it interactions with people, experiences, places and nature.
The WISE WOMAN has her heart wide open, diving deep into life and everything she does.
The WISE WOMAN is courageous, bold and at times irreverent, though this comes from a very sincere and compassionate space.
The WISE WOMAN feels her fears and doubts, insecurities and concerns though commits wholeheartedly in every moment as she knows deep in her core there is nothing to lose.
The WISE WOMAN sees herself in all women and all women in herself, creating unity and strength.
The WISE WOMAN has many roles in her life. The most important is the nurturing of her highest potential and the uplifting of her consciousness. The Wise Woman is both the key and the door.

Now I would LOVE to hear from you: What is a WISE WOMAN to you? What qualities of your wise woman do you want to strengthen?
Share with me in the comments below. I love hearing from you. And remember, your comment may be the one thing someone needs to hear today. Lets inspire each other.
Join us at The Wise Woman monthly classes at SOUL FLOW YOGA, first class March 5th 12:30-3:30pm more details HERE.
Wishing you an amazing day.
Sending you all LOVE and LIGHT