anastasia williams
Personalised Mentoring
Whether you are organising goals,
At a cross roads in life,
career & personal endeavours
your well-being needs an overhaul.
When you want results you need a PLAN.
We spend a lot of our lives dreaming in the imaginary. Speaking out loud our wishes. Then wondering why we are not manifesting our goals?
SOULFUL CLARITY & PLANNING is vital. The more connected your plan is to your soul's desires and goals the more you will stick to the plan. You will feel inspired and find the will-power to stay committed when you're being distracted by your own stories or life's distractions and challenges.
Aligned, committed action, getting out of your comfort zone and taking down the stories you have built up within and around you why something is so. Clarifying our direction is vital for manifestation. Cloudy direction, cloudy results. Taking time to get clear from your soul is super important. The more connected your plan is to your soul's desires and goals, the more you will stick to the plan. You will feel inspired and find the will-power to stay committed when you're being distracted by your own stories or life's distractions and challenges.
Direction versus speed. learning the propose of stillness, slow and steadiness in your attention and actions. Nothing in life is a direct straight line. Learning to dance in the circles and beauty of life as you are creating.
Getting support on this journey offers you encouragement, accountability and a larger perspective = greater success.
This is a practical, personalized and inspired approach to getting results in creating yourself an extraordinary life now.
Join me for this incredibly supportive journey and create an extraordinary life with Soul. Offering you my many years of experience of articulating goals into manifestation alongside helping others articulate their goals for personal development into manifestation and success. I am super excited to share this work with you in such a personalised way.
We will explore what your soul is calling to experience. Look at where you are currently and map out a plan to move you from where you are now into creating/manifesting these expereinces/desires/goals, while embracing where you are at.
Why you’re here and how to maximize it, to THRIVE and SHINE.
Breaking down and moving past current blocks, limiting beliefs and obstacles
The power of your thoughts, feelings, habits: tools to re-habitualise those that don't serve you
Embracing self care and its vital role in success
Deepening your relationship to self and life
+ so much more.
This is open to the global community as all sessions happen via Skype/video online format.