anastasia williams
The Landmark
Mandarin Oriental
Hong Kong
This October, 3rd ~ 19th in a first for Hong Kong, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, will host exclusive classes, one-to- one private therapy sessions, and – the ultimate - a weekend retreat package, led by the renowned Naam Yoga pioneer, Anastasia Williams.
The first to introduce Naam and Harmonyum Healing to Australia and now to Asia, Anastasia brings twenty years of extensive knowledge, practice and study to this unique style of yoga.
Shakti Naam Yoga & Meditation Masterclass Series
Get ready to increase longevity, revitalise your physicality, increase mental clarity, integrate emotional and creative energies and strengthen the magnetic field with this uplifting series of classes.
These classes are a unique synthesis of yogic asana (movement), mudra (hand postures), breath, rhythm, stretching, acupressure and vocal vibration infused with Universal Kabbalah, the laws of nature. A joyful practice that powerfully offsets the stress of modern day through its intelligent and sophisticated impact on the nervous system, brain and heart. Naam Yoga and Meditation reduces emotional and mental fatigue, relieves anxiety and depression and slows down the aging process and more. A practice for people of all ages and abilities, providing radiant health, happiness, and vitality.
Open to All, no experience necessary.
Monday 3 October: 7 - 9pm
Wednesday 5 October: 6:30 - 8am
Monday 10 October: 6:30 - 8am
Wednesday 12 October: 7 - 9pm
Price: per student per group class: HKD 380
BOOKINGS: Please contact The Oriental Spa via or +852 2132 0011 for enquiries and reservations.
Shakti Naam Yoga & Meditation
Private Yoga and/or Meditation sessions are a great way to have your personalized needs met. These classes will revitalize your physical, mental and emotional health, enabling you to develop a deep relationship with the practice, and then you may continue your practice at home or in a group class with more ease and knowledge. Each customized session includes physical postures, specific personalized sequences, breath work and meditation.
Anastasia will completely tailor each class to the individual needs and goals; bring focus to each client’s vision and total well-being.
Validity: 3-7, 10-14, 17-19 October
Duration: 60 minutes / 90 minutes
Price: HKD 1,580 / HKD 1,995
BOOKINGS: Please contact The Oriental Spa via or +852 2132 0011 for enquiries and reservations.
Harmonyum is a profound energetic healing system that re-ignites harmony throughout the cellular body, nervous system, brain and heart. A beautiful integrative hands on bodywork that greatly offsets the effects of modern life. It illuminates you from the inside out. Harmonyum will purify the sub-conscious mind allowing you to cleanse and move beyond, trauma, limited beliefs, anxieties, depression and any habits/tendencies that are holding you back in life. This healing system is invaluable in our fast paced and demanding lives. After a single session you feel a deep sense of peacefulness akin to years of meditation.
Each client will lay on massage table, fully clothed covered with a light blanket for the duration of the treatment. Please dress comfortably. Allow yourself the time following your session that you do need to rush.
Validity: 3-7, 10-14, 17-19 October
Duration: 60 minutes / 90 minutes
Price: HKD 1,580* / 1,995* *Price is subject to 10% service charge.
BOOKINGS: Please contact The Oriental Spa via or +852 2132 0011 for enquiries and reservations.
These unique weekend offerings are a first of their kind at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong. A wonderful opportiunity to pres the pause button in a luxurious setting and nourish your total well-being.
Vitality & Vibrancy in the Modern World
Detox your mental, physical and emotional bodies and increase vitality. Refine your understanding of how the mental, physical and emotional bodies exist to complement each other and as you turn the volume up on their efficiency your life becomes less stressful and more vibrant. Using ancient wisdom, practical tools and techniques to upgrade your approach to life in the modern world.
You will learn:
The purpose of Body, Mind, Emotions and Energies
How to Detox the Mind, Body, Emotions and Energies
Tools to Increase Vitality: Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Energetically
Remedies and Tips to Increase Efficiency in your Daily Life
Time to UNPLUG
Each day will begin with a yoga/mediation class, so come ready to move. The afternoon sessions will be a more lecture/experiential format. We do suggest to get the most out of this weekend that you not book in social engagements and keep your outside interactions to a minimum and take this time truly for yourself.
After this complete weekend you will feel an inspired and renewed approach to yourself and life.
NOTE: Please bring a notepad and pen, a bottle of water and dress in layers as your body temperature may change throughout the class.
Open to All, no experience necessary.
Friday 7 October at 5 - 7:30pm
Saturday 8 October at 10:30am - 1pm and 2:30 - 6pm
Sunday 9 October at 10:30am - 1pm and 2:30 - 6pm
Lunch break at the Spa Café Pool Side at 1 - 2:30pm on both Sat & Sun
Price: Please see below
URBAN RETREAT 14-16 October
Courage, Confidence & Self-Love
A weekend dedicated to taking down the limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and replacing our patterning with more effective habits. Take this weekend to tap into your highest most fabulously courageous self. Flip your perception and get unstuck so that you and your life can be an expression of your heart. Learn invaluable practices to serve you in any situation and at any stage of life.
You will learn:
What are Limiting Beliefs, How are they Formed, Techniques for Changing Them
What is Courage, How to Activate it and Live With It 24/7
What to Do when you are Stuck
Self Love and How to turn up its Volume
Living through challenge with Grace
Time to UNPLUG
Each day will begin with a yoga/mediation class, so come ready to move. The afternoon sessions will be a more lecture/experiential format. We do suggest to get the most out of this weekend that you not book in social engagements and keep your outside interactions to a minimum and take this time truly for yourself.
After this complete weekend you will feel the most fabulous and beautiful version of yourself pouring forth and ready to take on life in new ways.
NOTE: Please bring a notepad and pen, a bottle of water and dress in layers as your body temperature may change throughout the class.
Open to All, no experience necessary.
Friday 14 October at 5 - 7:30pm
Saturday 15 October at 10:30am - 1pm and 2:30 - 6pm
Sunday 16 October at 10:30am - 1pm and 2:30 - 6pm
Lunch break at the Spa Café Pool Side at 1 - 2:30pm on both Sat & Sun
Urban Retreat Packages Total*
Urban Retreat with yogi lunches and morning smoothies HKD 7,896
Urban Retreat with Two-Night Accommodation for one HKD 15,800
Urban Retreat with Two-Night Accommodation for two HKD 22,800
Urban Retreats with accommodation include an in-room bath experience, breakfast, set lunch, daily smoothie and high-speed Internet.
Bring a notebook, pen and water bottle. Dress comfortably, ideally in layers for easier temperature adjustments, and perhaps bring a shawl for the deeper meditation parts.
*Price is subject to 10% service charge.
BOOKINGS: Please contact The Oriental Spa via or +852 2132 0011 for enquiries and reservations.
All weekend retreats and group classes are conducted in the yoga room.